
Keep calm, it's just tempDB

Version 1.3.3 TempDB Dashboard

Hi, The new version 1.3.3 is available with new features like the TempDB Dashboard. TempDB Dashboard I was at Pass summit in Seattle this year and I was in the …

1.3.2 KMO migration in progress

Hello, a new minor version is available with new KMO integration. Snapshot backup type I’m sure you read all my posts so you should know I presented a session about KMO at …

24HOP French – My session

Hello, I’m sure you already know PASS and the 24HOP but do you know its french vChapter ? Isabelle Van Campenhoudt and Christian Coté are the leader of this vChapter. …

Custom headers in procedures

New website and new version 1.2.8

4 years ago, I started to develop Kankuru. I had not enough time to create a beautiful website and since I like .net, I chose It was very painful …

Meet the DBA – rencontrez les DBA de Criteo

Bonjour tout le monde, Mercredi 13 janvier, à partir de 18h30, nous organisons avec le GUSS une session chez Criteo (la société qui m’emploie). Nous parlerons de: L’organisation de l’équipe …