I’m in late but I wanted to share with you the end of my trip to Seattle Pass Summit 2017. To read the whole story, click here.
When Partitioning Indexes hurts performance
It was really hard to choose sessions because I wanted to attend many of them. But I chose to start the last day by a good headache with Kendra Little. Many examples where partitioning hurts performance instead of improving it. She provided many tips. Very good session and funny speaker, I was not sure to learn something but I did 🙂
Realtime Analytics
I met Stijn Wynants at SqlSaturday Toulouse in the speaker room. He comes from Belgium. He presented the session just after mine so I was not really available to see him. Hopefully, he presented the same session at Seattle. He proposed lot of stuff to improve performances in OLTP and OLAP workload. Great session.
Where should my data live and why ?
It’s really hard to follow every session during 5 days. I must confess I was really hungry and not really concentrated. However, I tried to learn how to define where I must host my data depending of my needs : on premise or in the cloud.
Dapper .Net by Davide Mauri
I’m a DBA but I also like C#. I heard many things about Dapper and I wanted a real developer opinion about this micro-orm. From my side, it seems to be the perfect solution :
- I can code faster because I can map my resultset to my object
- I still master my data access in t-sql.
I’m looking forward to test it in a future project…
Troubleshooting Always On Latency and Failovers
When you attend a session with a Microsoft speaker, it’s not often interesting but this time it was. Sourabh Agarwal detailed where we could have latency and a new tool in ssms 17.4 to detect Availability Group latency. I’m not really convinced by this tool which uses a job with extended event and I really need to test it on my production servers just to know if it can be useful. Good session.
During these 5 days, I learnt lot of stuff and met very good speakers. I already spoke but I consider I’m still a beginner. When I attend a session, I try to learn technical stuff but i also try to improve my speaker skills. I recommend you sessions from Itzik Ben-Gan, Rimma Nehme, Kendra Little Stijn Wynants…
Technically, I come back in France with a lot of new ideas and I’m looking forward to test CosmosDB, Dapper, Carbon (we have lots of developers on Linux or Mac).
I also tried to improve my English (harder than SQL), trying to speak with a lot of attendees.
I really enjoyed to spend time with the French community : my 3 colleagues, Christophe, Manuel, etc… My liver is tired but it was a good week 🙂 Hope to see you soon!
Finally, I ‘d like to thank my company, Criteo. At Seattle, I only meet 3 French companies (Criteo, Avanade and ConseilIt) so I guess I’m a lucky DBA to be able to go to Seattle 🙂