It’s already the end of the year, a crazy year ! But it’s also time to release the last Kankuru version. I already teased it (in french) in this post. Here is the full changelog
Live Lock Profiler
I had to work on a lock issue recently and I’m pretty sure this new tool is really useful for everybody. With Live Lock Profiler, you can now see in real time every locks on your server.

Group and server count
I added the server and instance count in the Server Explorer. Thank you Greg F. for your suggestion.

Search by instance
You were able to filter servers by server name. Now you can also filter by instance name. Thank you Greg F. for your suggestion.

Unique execution count
Do you know you’re able to propose your idea on the forum ? That’s what Jo did here
This is not a huge improvement and I’m not sure it will be helpful for every DBA but maybe you’ll use it 🙂

I wish you a great end of year and a merry christmas